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Petroleum machinery factory technicians teach you how to choose oil and water separators

Release date£º2021-10-13

Oil and water separators are usually petroleum equipment produced by petroleum machinery plants. China is a major petroleum country with very rich petroleum resources. Today, I will mainly give you a brief introduction to common oil and water separator petroleum equipment options:

The choice of large displacement to ensure the oil supply of the entire engine system, the additional volume of oil and water must be larger than the separator model. Drain water in time. There is a transparent plastic water cup under the oil-water separator. The oil-water separator is used for waterproofing. If too much oil and water separator accumulate, the oil-water separation function cannot be afforded. Some advanced foreign manufacturers have automatic waterproof function. The oil/water separator filter cup below has a water level sensor. When the water level reaches a certain height, water is displayed on the computer screen on the dashboard, saying that it needs to be consumed.

If you need to choose the heating function in the north. Cold weather will make the water cup lower than frostbite damage, so in the north, many users in order to prevent the oil-water separator from being frozen, the oil-water separator for food and beverage wear thick cotton cloth jacket. But for insurance, it is recommended to use the function of heating water and oil separator.